...I saw us, the posh version. Love brings ecstacy and pain at the same time, you love him for who he was therefore you suffer, that's the price, you know it, you always know. Until one day you realize it's ok to let go, to let him be. Then, you are free, you are you again.
Been there, done that…But wait a sec女主这么甜美的brunette居然在恋爱中都遇到过这么多心碎和manipulation(当然也有过她没那么喜欢的人非常喜欢她)这果然是纽约的错另外不要让我死于周日最后一集the one出现的时候他开口的英式英语我居然完全没有觉得exotic居然也觉得很亲切自然了——啊英国改变了我